Giggles 11:18 PMAndrea ♥

Float Like a Butterfly...The Blogging and Housekeeping Champion!

My PIB (You know, partner in blogging and probably crime if we didn't live 27,386,492 very long miles apart.) aka Tia Baltimore, The Dutchess of Maryland, the Head Boss Babe, has issued a 251 Day Blogging Challenge. My first instinct was that it sounded like fun, and I'm always down to support my homie in whatever she has going on. Once I accepted the challenge, I realized this means I have to come up with something interesting to say EVERY DAY for the rest of the year. This only being my 3rd blog post ever it's kind of like spontaneously deciding to run a marathon with no preparation or training, but I guess that's why they call it a challenge. So, here we go!

Today is our 1 month houseiversary, and it's still slightly surreal that I get to live here the rest of my life. I really never dreamed that I would have a home so perfect that was all mine. I've come a long way since the day I had to decide between homelessness or doing the walk of shame back to my parents. It's such an amazing feeling to wake up in the morning and open your eyes to the embodiment of all that you've overcome in life. Admittedly, housekeeping has never been my strong suit. I am one of those people that has to have a good motivating push to do things that don't come naturally to me, and having such a beautiful house has been all the motivation I'll ever need. The first time we turned the key, I walked in and promised myself that I was going to do this house justice. I can't stand to see things cluttered or out of place because this house deserves better. I can't stand the thought of going to bed if the house isn't in proper order and love coming home from work to a no mess masterpiece. That's a totally new thing for me. My husband is obviously thrilled.
In my efforts to step up my housekeeping skills, there were certain things that I knew I needed to set up and get in place right away to start off on the right foot. One big problem I've had in the past is not starting out with a good way to keep things organized. So, in every room of the house I identified as many simple ways to keep things organized easily and efficiently. In my previous house, one of my biggest pet peeves was the damn plastic leftover containers. I swear those things are made at a factory in hell. In our old house, we kept them in the bottom cabinet of our kitchen cart, but I had to find a better storage solution than that. That cabinet was low to the ground and every time you opened it containers and lids came flying out like the door was hooked up to a bomb fuse. It was worse than a sock drawer in there. You could never find the lid that matched the bowl. Everything shifted constantly, all the lids would end up in the back, and you’d have to take everything out just to find 2 pieces that went together. My kids and husband got quite a bit of entertainment watching me sit on the floor cursing and throwing bowls and lids across the kitchen. I shouldn’t have to take medication to peacefully put away the leftovers. My husband thought I was overly obsessed with the issue, but it was my solemn vow that one way or another I was going to find away to make my new kitchen plastic disaster free. Before moving, storage space was a major issue and it was one of the top requirements that my new home have endless cabinet space. Goal #1 achieved. My kitchen now has enough storage space for 3 kitchens worth of stuff.
Once I had adequate space, I started exploring options for the best way to organize and access the devil’s Tupperware. Online they have all kinds of pull out organizing racks that you can buy. They can be installed right in your kitchen cabinets, and at first it seemed like a good option. When I really got to looking at them, I decided there were things that weren’t so great about them. They didn’t seem deep enough. I felt like they’d be overflowing all the time and I'd end up with the same problem. Even though they slide out, if it got disorganized I’d still end up on the floor in a rage with plastic shit spread out all over the kitchen floor. Also, those racks aren't exactly cheap. I shouldn’t have to pay more than I paid for the containers to store them in a user friendly manner.

I was in Family Dollar when I found the answer to my kitchen nightmare. It honestly makes me feel a little stupid that I’d never thought of it before. I’d been losing my mind in the kitchen for years over a $6 fix. Ironically, it seemed that the best way to store my plastic containers was inside bigger plastic containers! I purchased 2 of them that would fit nicely side by side in my kitchen cabinet, one for lids and one for containers. I’m deeply in love with these 2 plastic tubs. When I need a container, I just yank those tubs out of the cabinet and set them on the counter. I have all the possible sizes right there in plain sight without all the cursing and searching for what I'm looking for. All the lids are right there together at my fingertips. When I put away the clean ones I can easily organize them so that the smaller bowls fit inside the larger ones. I feel like an organizational genius! I may come off as a little overly enthusiastic about my plastic container containment units, but if you try it you'll be singing its praises too. For my next amazing trick, I'm going to figure out a way to put a stop to my husband's obsession with tacky $5 statues of African ladies that you'd find in someone's Grandma's house. Apparently, our definitions of a classy modern look are very different. They do have legs. I wonder if he'd believe they just got up and walked out?
All suggestions left in the comments of how to get rid of the the statues will be considered, and results of all attempts made will be reported. Be sure to check back daily and see how I'm coming along with this very ambitious challenge. Yes, I mean the blog and the ugly statues. Thanks so much to all those who have been reading and giving me such great compliments. It really means the world to me! ♥ ♥ ♥

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  1. LOL!! This was hilarious. You can always play dumb. That always works. Toss those oogly azz statues and watch him go crazy looking for them and when he asks you about them just say, "huh? Wha-? I don't know where those are. Are you sure you didn't move them, hun?" hehehe >.<

    1. Yeah, my best and really the only idea I've had so far is replacing them with something else one piece at a time and see how long it takes him to notice. lol

  2. The only solution to the statues is to find people who wear U.S. Polo Association shirts in pictures that contain the statues and make him a collage. That is all ;)

    1. For an anonymous commenter you sure do know a lot. I like the way you think though. ;)


Please leave a comment so I know I'm not talking to myself. ;) I read every single one. ♥

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