Real Life 9:27 AMAndrea ♥

Paris or Parenting? I cant decide.

Writing has been tough on me the last week or so. I've been so busy that when I do have time to sit down and write I can only make it for about 15 minutes before I can't keep my eyes open. So, while it may appear that I have let the challenge defeat me, believe me I'm writing every day like I planned. It's just the finished products aren't coming together as fast as I had hoped they would. It doesn't look like things are going to slow down for me any time soon. It's going to be a busy month for the Andrews family. We are pretty much booked every weekend from now until July. We have Mother's Day, the neighborhood garage sale (kill me now), our anniversary, my step-daughter's graduation with a big party at our house to follow, my brother coming to visit, my birthday, and then we'll finish off with a trip to Idaho for my little sister's wedding. I'm exhausted and broke just thinking about it.

Andrews summer madness started this past week with my boy's final band concert of the year. He kicked the whole show off with an awesome trumpet solo and did an outstanding job. Then Saturday night was the kid’s prom. He looked so handsome, and our girl looked breathtakingly gorgeous. She left the house to go get her hair and makeup done looking 18 and came back looking 25.  Selfishly, I was kind of glad that their Mom couldn't make it here to see them off to the prom. It was nice to have that moment to myself. However, there was also a part of me that felt bad for her imagining how it must hurt to have another woman sending you pictures of your kids on prom night. It’s got me thinking a lot about the differences between biological parenting, step-parenting, and the good and bad that comes with both.

I recently went through a couple of months where I was extremely emotional and resentful about the whole situation. I was fully aware from the start that marrying a man with kids is a package deal, and it was something I was truly excited about. When we got married we didn’t have any idea that they would end up living with us less than a year later. We had planned to travel and enjoy our time together in true newlywed fashion, but that’s not the way things went. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not even suggesting that I wouldn’t have married him if I had known they would end up living with us full time. I’m certainly not saying that I wish it hadn’t have happened this way either. When we found out they were coming we were both over the moon about it, and I still wouldn’t change it if I could. I will say that it’s harder than I expected it to be, but it’s not the kids that made it a hard adjustment. I was having a really hard time coping with feeling like another woman had more say about what goes on in my home than I do. In some ways, I recognize that wasn’t entirely accurate, but when you feel like things should be a certain way and someone who isn't even in your household has the power to weigh in and override you it can be very frustrating. I definitely went through a period of feeling like their mother took a look at our situation and decided we had the better gig so she shipped the kids off to us and let me do her job so she could have all the fun. I felt like I was just there to cook dinners, drive people where they needed to go, and just generally do all the stuff she didn't feel like doing. It was so bad for a while that I started spending a lot of time in my room because I didn’t want to act some type of way toward the kids for things that weren’t their fault. At the time, I was aware that I was in my feelings and those feelings weren’t entirely accurate, but sometimes you can’t help what you feel even if you know you shouldn’t.

It took a while, but with the help of my husband and a little anxiety medication I finally got to a place where I could cope. Once I got my feelings together, I started to realize that as hard as the situation sometimes is for me, maybe being the absent parent is just as difficult. There's no question she loves them dearly, and watching another woman do your job in the last years before they head out into adulthood has to be heart wrenching. I've come to realize that a some of her actions and decisions I don't agree with have a lot to do with feeling like she has a stake in her children's lives even though she's away. So, the reality is that in our own ways we're both fighting for a sense of control. All things considered, she handles the situation pretty well. She bought me a very nice house warming gift. She posts nice messages about me on Facebook thanking me for all I do for the kids. She even once told my mother that she feels that I have a way of relating to her kids that she doesn’t have. Putting all my frustrations aside, I look at the baby mama drama other step-mothers endure, and I feel incredibly lucky that spoiling her kids to a fault is the main thing we disagree on. Now that I’m not so focused on the things she’s doing that I can’t change, I’ve come to a place where I’m taking a look at myself and wondering if I could even cope with raising kids of my own. I mean, if I can’t handle being support staff how the hell could I be successful in a management role?

Everyone who knows me well has always told me I would be a great Mom. I definitely feel like I formed a bond with the kids pretty quickly, but by the time I got them they were basically already raised. They were overseas with their mom for nearly 4 years before they came to us. Clearly, she's the one who put the majority of the blood, sweat, and tears into raising them. When I think about all the misery my mom went through raising me I really wonder how she did it. There have been times where keeping myself  together was so difficult I really don't know how I would have survived having to be responsible for another little life who was completely dependent on me. Looking back at the ghosts of possible baby daddies past, I feel like not having kids was the only smart thing I did back then. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I had. It's hard to admit, but I probably would have been a total failure as a mother. Not only would my life have been a mess, but I’d have taken an innocent child down with me. I’m a big believer that no matter what you go through it’s all part of a bigger plan. There’s a part of me that thinks maybe everything I’ve been through was preparing me for this. My husband talks a good game, but it’s pretty clear he couldn’t have done this without me. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Before we got married, we had some discussions about the fact that my husband had a vasectomy. He was concerned that I would regret marrying him and would feel like I was missing out on having kids somewhere down the line. He has raised 4 kids and wasn’t too crazy about the idea of going through the up all night with an infant stage again, but he said that if it was something I really wanted we could look into having the vasectomy reversed. This may sound crazy to some people, but ever since I can remember I have always felt like it wasn’t terribly important to me to go through the experience of child birth. I’ve been saying since a young age that there are already kids who need good parents, and if I could love a child I didn’t give birth to like they’re my own then why not give that love to a kid who is already here and in need? In a way, it almost feels like I’d be doing a further injustice to the unloved children in this world to bypass them and create another child just so it can have my DNA. Around the time the kids first came to live with us, adoption was something that was heavily on my mind. We’d had a few conversations about our plans for the future and how adoption fit in to them. Now that the kids have been here for a while, my longing to take that step has somewhat subsided. I don’t feel like my life is empty. In fact, my life feels very full and happy.

Honeslty, I feel like I’m supposed to think something is wrong with me because I don’t have this deep yearning to procreate. I guess women are raised feeling like it’s something we’re obligated to do, but I’m really past the point that going through even seeing if that’s an option is something I’d even want to do. I wouldn’t say that the idea of adoption is totally out of the question, but I find myself questioning my own motives. Part of me is afraid I would regret it, or that I couldn’t handle it. I find myself just as afraid I would regret doing it as I am that I would regret not doing it. I guess having the kids with us has satisfied feeling of the fulfillment that having a family brings. The part that I’m missing is having someone who only calls me mom. A child I don’t have to share with anyone but my husband. A child I can raise according to my values with no interference. A child who is MINE. Is that really reason enough to rock the boat though? What about all our plans to travel and enjoy life once the kids are out of the house? Would I end up laying on a beach somewhere wishing I was at home raising a kid? I Maybe the uncertainty comes from feeling like it’s such a permanent decision. It’s not like buying a pair of pants. You can’t take them home, try them out and then return them if they don’t fit. I’ve always looked at things in my life that I wish I’d done differently as learning experiences rather than regrets. This might be the first thing ever in my life that I’ve really felt like I would regret making the wrong decision. I really feel like I have no idea which road life is leading me down, but at least both possible roads are happy ones.

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  1. Being a biological parent is the hardest thing you will seriously ever ever ever ever do in your life. I can't even begin to express all the downfalls, consequences, hardships, and downright miserable moments you will have. But I can also say with 100% truth that it is also the most beautiful, most wonderful, most rewarding, most amazing amazing thing you will ever go through. I have days when I hate not having freedom to get up and do what I want when I want, when I'm tired of buying school supplies and food for my kid who eats like a horse instead of going shopping for ME, tired of always having to think of how my behavior affects another person... just tired of the responsibility period. But all it takes for me to hear my son saying, "Mom" as he runs up to me to ask a question, get something he needs, or just say hello and it all melts away. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't change it for anything. My son made me a better person and I've heard lots of parents say the same thing. If it wasn't for him, I would be lost, poor, probably sprung out on drugs or doing God only knows what. Time and time again it was the fact that he needed a good life, that motivated me to not settle and get my own shit together. And parenting builds so much character. Words just can not express.

    I completely understand someone's decision to not have children. Even saying all that, I dont' think I would have anymore. As a child and teenager, I always wanted a large family. But I worry about what will happen to my children when I'm not here. The world is so evil and crazy. And there are so many abused children out there in need of love. My Lord. I have decided if I ever get wealthy enough or get married, I'm not going to have any biological children. I'm going to adopt as many as I can. Only then if my hubs really wants a kid with our DNA, I'll have one, but only after we've adopted as many as I feel I could to make a difference. I've always wanted a daughter, but I don't think the vanity of having a little girl that looks like me that came from my DNA outweighs giving those resources and that love to a child that's already here in need. Besides, if you adopt them old enough you can skip the infant baby crying all night stage. ;)

    Either way, I'm glad you're happy and I wouldn't feel bad about whatever you finally choose to do either way. ♥

    Let Them Envy

    1. We're really going to have to do something about this whole thinking just alike thing. It's starting to get a little creepy. O_o


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