I’ve been informed by a reliable source that I may
or may not be the Charlie Brown’s teacher of bloggers. She said, “You want some unrequested blog
advice??? SHUT YOUR ASS UP, WOMAN!” I mean, that’s not REALLY what she said,
but I had fun acting like that’s what she meant. The fact that my posts are too
long is something I was actually already aware of. I typically write them out
and try to shorten them up as much as possible without losing any of the
content if they run long. Yes, those are the condensed versions you’ve read.
Sad, I know. I guess I need to stop trying to squeeze so much information into
one post. Apparently, I have taken for granted that I 66 paragraphs about my
meddling mother might be a lot more interesting to me than anyone else. Who
So, in an effort to retain my 16 faithful followers (Yes,
that’s a joke. Sort of. lol), I’m going to make them shorter from now on. This
is actually a good thing for all of us because now it might not take me 2 weeks
to write, edit and perfect each one. When I do finish the process and post them
you’ll hopefully make it all the way through. Also, shorter posts may keep me
from running out of material. If it’s too much for people now, I’ll surely be
my only follower when the only thing left are to write are 10 page essays about
the chicken strips I had for lunch. You’re still here right? Just checking…
Anyway, I hope that everyone has found the new
layout a little more user friendly. A lot of people weren’t thrilled with the dark
background and light colored writing. Believe me, it was just as annoying to set
them up that way as it was to read them. I’m thrilled to have something cleaner,
more organized and easier on the eyes. So, if you were thinking of throwing in
the towel on me because you don’t have time to read an amateur novel 3 times a
week, don’t give up on me yet! I promise I’m going to take care of you all and
make sure you keep coming back when I post something new.
To those of you who have complimented my writing and
enjoyed my posts, you don’t know how much your support of my new found hobby
means to me. This is something I have wanted to do for a really long time and
never really thought anyone would pay any attention to it. I’d just keep right
on doing it even if no one was reading, but the fact that you are has far
exceeded my expectations. Thanks so much for sticking with me even when my
posts are unbearably long. I’ll do my best to keep from talking you cross eyed
from here on out.

Please leave a comment so I know I'm not talking to myself. ;) I read every single one. ♥