Real Life 8:41 PMAndrea ♥

Why Being 37 is Wonderfully Average

Today is my 37th birthday. It's also Tupac's birthday, which is clearly proof that God makes legendary geniuses on June 16th. I took the day off work because that’s what I always do, but I didn't really have any big plans which is pretty typical. Since I am one who keeps my circle small, I have never had any big wild celebrations as an adult. That might be because the times I have tried usually seemed to be a letdown of some sort. I seem to be the happiest celebrating with the people I can always count on coming through for me, and the older I get the less of a big deal I want to make of it. I suppose that’s normal though. Even when it comes to gifts, I feel like I have everything I  could possibly want. What do you get the girl that feels like she has it all?
My most memorable birthdays actually include some sort of ridiculous incident that could only happen to me. Here are a few examples. It was either my 10th or 11th birthday that my hair caught on fire on my birthday cake. It was back in the days when the tidal wave bangs created with 5 cans a day of Aqua Net hairspray were popular. I bent over to blow out the candles and my bangs went up in flames. My grandmother hit me over the head repeatedly with her purse to put out the flames. I was so embarrassed that I locked myself in the bathroom and stayed there until everyone left. 27 years later and I still get embarrassed thinking about it.  I believe it was my 16th birthday party that came to a screeching halt when OJ Simpson went on his famous Broncho chase with the cops. All celebration ceased and we all spent the rest of the party glued to the TV. My most memorable birthday experience as an adult was when the people I was with took off from the table in a restaurant and left me sitting there by myself while the wait staff sang to me. I felt like such an idiot. 

I really don't have a lot of stand out birthday memories that don't involve something totally awkward or unexpected happening. All the others are just kind of average. I don't have a negative view of birthdays, but I don't get super excited about them either.  The last few years this day has become one for reflection on all the ways my life has changed and how much I have to be thankful for. I've lived a lot of life in these 37 years. There have been a lot of ups and downs. Waking up happy with a family and friends that love me, a husband who takes great care of me, and the comfort of knowing that it's going to be a great day is the best gift that I could ever ask for. It won't be a great day just because it's my birthday. It's going to be a great day because every day is happy, full of blessings, and free from worries and hardship. Other than a winning lottery ticket worth millions, I can't think of a single thing I'm longing for today. That's feeling alone is worth more than that lottery ticket could ever be.

I spent my day shopping, getting pampered, and then went to dinner at my favorite restaurant with the husband and kids. It was full of happiness and love, just like every other day. Happy Birthday to me!

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