Real Life 12:47 PMAndrea ♥

Serenity Now!

 I must admit, I'm about 9 miles too deep in my feelings today. There certain things in my life that are always there under the surface, but one little thing can happen that triggers a downward spiral where things that don't normally bother me get me all upset. I blame my lingering bi-polar tendencies with a touch of being a Gemini thrown in. The thing that kicked it all off this time was a comment someone made that got under my skin yesterday. At first, it didn't bother me, but when I thought about it later I was like, "Wait... Was that... Couldn't be... Well, I'll be damned... THAT WAS SHADE!" I'd just been having a conversation with a friend earlier in the day who was feeling like she let irrelevant people get under her skin too much. I was encouraging her to step up her "Bye, Felicia" game, and now here I was all in my feelings about something that may or may not have been a shot fired in my direction.

Well, that first passage was written yesterday morning. I had this nice little post all planned out throwing myself a petty little pity party over here under my shade tree about the fact that my Dad didn't acknowledge my birthday and a family member inadvertently made me feel left out of a conversation. Little did I know, these little situations I was letting get to me were all leading up to a shocking and upsetting family situation that came about yesterday afternoon and hit me like a ton of bricks. In a way, I'm kind of glad that I was already a little upset by some other situations. It feel like it softened the blow. If I had been just going on about my business as my normal cheerful self I'd probably be beside myself with emotions I couldn't manage right now. Instead, I'm hurt, devastated, pissed, in disbelief, and yet somehow still rational.

I'm so bothered by what happened that I'm not even ready to publicly acknowledge the reality of the situation yet. I just keep telling myself that this shit can't be for real, and yet knowing that it is at the same time. This is one of those situations where someone does something that you can't figure out how the hell the person came to the conclusion they did based on the circumstances. Dealing with someone whose thought processes and viewpoints are so vastly different from your own is extremely frustrating. Refusing to take responsibility for the consequences of your actions and always behaving as though everything is someone else's fault is a completely foreign concept to me. I tend to be a very empathetic person. I look at almost every situation that involves conflict with another person and try to see things from their point of view before I react. I care about the feelings of others so much that I am more likely to take on the burden of the next person's poor decisions than to try to dump mine on someone else.  So, people who have the ability to take any situation and alter the facts to create their own reality are a mystery to me. They throw me for a loop every time because I simply don't have the capability of understanding where they're coming from at all. I couldn't make my brain work that way if I wanted it to.
For a lot of my life, it seemed like I somehow I always ended up associating myself with narcissistic people. It took me a long time to realize that assholes love people like me. Two narcissists can't be friends because these people surround themselves with those who won't challenge the little delusional world they build for themselves. People with a submissive and nurturing personality are a narcissist's dream because we don't even require them to make excuses for their actions. Whatever they dish out we just keep seeing the good in them, putting up with their shit, and telling ourselves that if we can just get through to them they'll magically see the light. It took a lot of years and a lot of counseling to learn to set boundaries with these kind of people. There was a time when I would have handled this current situation by trying to reason with this idiot until I was blue in the face while continually becoming more and more miserable that I couldn't change their way of thinking. Even now that I know what a big useless waste of breath and energy it is to try to reason with a lunatic, there are some situations in which I'm tempted to try. In this particular case, someone did something that hurt someone I love and respect more than anyone on the planet. If I thought there was any chance that anything I could say or do would change this person's heart then I would suit up and go to battle in a heartbeat. I suppose it speaks to my own personal growth that I'm able to see this person and situation for what it is. The fact that I can accept that you just can't make some people do the right thing is a huge accomplishment for me.

Ironically, learning to accept that some people are simply self-absorbed, delusional, inconsiderate dicks has brought an element of inner peace to my life. Internalizing the serenity prayer has helped me to let go of things that I can't change and focus on the things that can and do make me happy. The fact that I don't have the power to change others is probably one of the biggest and most important lessons I've ever learned, and one that I still struggle with from time to time. When I encounter some asshat that ruins my day or disrupts my life, I just tell myself that it's just God seeing that I need to be reminded that some things are beyond my control. Understanding that there are some things I just can't change no matter how much I want to has made me believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason, and the Big Guy will reveal his plan in due time. It's my job to trust in him and he'll do the rest because he knows everything coming down the road that I don’t see just yet. So today, as much as I want to show my ass and sink to this person's level, I am going to follow my own advice and step up my "Bye, Felicia" game for the good of my family....

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