Real Life Tearjerkers 3:46 PMAndrea ♥

Long Live the Hot Mess Express

Last Saturday my step-daughter graduated from High School. We had a great party after the ceremony, our first time hosting in our new house, and got to see some people we haven't seen in ages. My husband's ex-wife and her entire family spent the whole day with us. Our other guests were amazed at how comfortable we all were together and complimented us on our ability to come together and create a positive and supportive environment for the kids. Aside from my pride in my girl finishing in the top 30 of her class and moving on to the next chapter in her life, the very best part of the day was seeing 2 of my favorite people in the whole world! It had been so long since I'd seen them it made me slightly depressed and emotional when they left. Seeing them made me realize 3 things. 1st thing, I think I may legitimately have a touch of Agoraphobia. 2nd thing, the 3 friends I love the most are a direct reflection of my personality. 3rd thing, I'm a pretty shitty friend. 

From the time I was old enough to exercise any sort of independence up until I got married, I just generally enjoyed doing whatever I had no business doing. By the age of 15, I was sneaking out my window 3 or 4 nights a week. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to name any accomplices. You know who you are.) In high school, I was either at the party or somewhere having my own. As soon as I was old enough, I was in the “club” several nights a week. I use the term club loosely, and those who grew up where I did know why. When I went off to college, I immediately hooked up with “the Soul Stealer”. He didn’t have the most legit of professions so hanging in the club turned to hanging in the hood while he peddled his wares. What can I say? I loved the fast life. When the Soul Stealer temporarily succeeded in reducing my life to rubble I turned to the friendship and support of a great group of women.

I think I have referred to myself as a hot mess in almost every post so far, and it’s no coincidence that this amazing group of ladies became the self-titled Hot Mess Express. At the time the HME was rolling down the track full speed ahead, I was on the move non-stop trying to avoid the emptiness the SS left in my life and heart. I was back in my parent’s house starting my life over again at 30 years old, and it was a really tough time. I left town for the weekend every chance I got because it let me escape the reality of all that I had lost and the reality of my situation. The truth is that I’ve always been a homebody, but for so much of my life I felt that I didn’t really have one. So, when I left my parent’s house for the last time, moved in with my now husband I finally had a place that really felt like home. Soon, my interests started to change and things I used to think were fun didn’t seem so great anymore. I had lived this life where I couldn’t settle down for so long that once I could it was all I wanted to do.

Aside from the whole “ready to settle down” thing, looking back I can see that there was a distinct period of time when I suddenly transformed into a serious introvert. Even though I’ve always been a social person, I’ve always had a very small circle of people I actually consider friends. Most of the time, I either love you or don’t want much to do with you. I’m a pretty good judge of character most of the time when it comes to women. Men? Not so much. It is a common thing that people who go through traumatic events like domestic violence have a tough time with social interaction. I can still tap into how damaged and ashamed that experience made me feel. It took months of counseling for me to even feel confident enough to put a picture of myself on my facebook account. Once I began to rebuild my life, I went through a period of time where I really tried to broaden my social circle and make more friends. That was a miserable failure. A group of bitches at my job tried to screw me over and get me fired because one was gunning for my job. That was pretty much the end of my attempts at forcing myself to give people a chance. I'm much better off keeping my circle small and limited to people I don't have to force myself to initiate a friendship with and automatically know I can trust.

Agoraphobia is as an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives certain environments as dangerous or uncomfortable. I don't know about the dangerous part, but the uncomfortable part is all me. I find socializing with people I'm not comfortable around unnecessary and exhausting. I don't like clubs and concerts anymore. I rarely drink (mimosas don’t count), I'm married, and I've become too self-conscious to dance in my old age. I absolutely detest parties unless they're at my house. I feel like the whole place is watching and staring like I'm some kind of weirdo. I always feel so awkward and stay to myself which makes people think I am, in fact, the very weirdo I think they think I am. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is where my mother would say I have an over-inflated sense of self importance and no one gets off on over analyzing me. I know that she's right, but that doesn't help me much in social situations. These days I like things where you can blend into the crowd and no one is focused on the people in attendance. I like to travel with my husband, go to plays and movies, have family and close friends over for various occasions, and just hang around the house.  I suppose to some it appears that I have lost the ability to enjoy life, but I'm really just enjoying it in a different way. 

If you mention the Hot Mess Express in certain company either laughter will erupt, women will start hating, or a story of some ridiculous shenanigan one of us pulled will surely follow. We've grown up now (or at least we want people to think we have) so we maintain a much lower profile, but in times gone by, when you see Facebook profile pics sporting our signature red hoodies and shades it meant either one or all of us was up to no good. There are grown men who probably tremble in fear at the mere sight of a woman wearing them, either because they owe back child support or because they know the woman wearing them is hell on heels. To say that we have done our title it's due justice is the understatement of the millennium. You can't even understand the magnitude of the hot messiness unless you have witnessed it in person.

The sad part of losing my motivation to do the things I used to enjoy is that I have grown apart from my girls. Maybe grown apart isn’t the right term because I still love them the same as I always did and still consider them my best friends. We just don’t spend time together like we used to. I know it’s my fault and I feel a strong sense of guilt about it. After seeing 2 of the 3 at our party and realizing how I have missed them, I found myself looking at pictures of us together on my wedding day.  Those pictures are a reminder of the huge role the HME have played in my life. They were the ones who picked up the pieces and helped me glue them back together when everything went to shit. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their love and support. Looking at a picture of the 3 of them standing by my side at the altar made me realize that I was naturally drawn to these 3 ladies for very specific reasons.  There are qualities in each of them that I see in myself. I’m a Gemini, and while I am not big into the zodiac, the characteristics of a Gemini definitely fit me when it comes to that whole dual personality thing. Needless to say, complicated would be an accurate way to describe me. My favorite girls make me feel like I’m 3 people combined into one.

The fellow founder of the HME is my HLP. That's heterosexual life partner, which is the most accurate way you could possibly describe our relationship. She has had many nicknames over the last 15 years, but my personal favorite is Anya Johnson. She is probably one of 3 people in my life I can truly say love me unconditionally, and that is no easy task. I've shared more laughs and tears with her than anyone on the planet. She has been by my side for all the best (and worst) times in my adult life. This girl has a quick wit like no one else I know. I'll never forget being in a store with her and this very unfortunate looking girl came up to us and asked if this hideous jacket she was going to buy was cute. Anya's response was, "Personally, I think that thing’s ugly as hell, but I’m sure you can pull it off." We quickly evacuated the area before she figured out she’d just been insulted. She’s as fond of embarrassing me in front of strangers as she was of embarrassing strangers in front of me. She once walked into a fast food restaurant and announced that she was there to feed her midget. She’s a good foot taller than me and makes sure everyone knows her mini-me.

I could make this the longest blog entry in history with stories about Anya and I, but one of these days I’ll just make her the subject of her very own post. I love this woman more than she knows. We are alike in more ways than you can count, but what really binds us is her amazing heart. She would give the shirt off her back to anyone and pretty much dedicates her life to helping and being there for people. She does this to the point that it frustrates me because I want her to have everything she deserves in life, but she is often too busy taking care of everyone else to focus on herself. Trying to change people into what I think they should be is one of my biggest faults. I earned it from my mother fair and square. There is a side of me that is quick to forgive and forget, selfless to a fault, and sees the good in everyone. She represents that part of me, and truthfully, she probably couldn’t have put up with me all these years if she didn’t possess those qualities. I’m ashamed to even say how long it’s been since I have seen her face, laughed with her and hugged her neck, but I love her just the same as I did when I did those things daily.

They say that every group has a crazy one, but the Hot Mess Express might be lucky enough to have been granted room for 2, myself and H-57. We have known each other for I don’t even know how long, but we really became close when we were both going through the ups and downs of getting out of a toxic relationship. She is one of those people who just marches to the beat of her own drummer and doesn’t let anyone tell her what she should do with her life. Almost everything about her is 1 of a kind, and she makes no apologies for any of it. The all-time best tale about H-57 is when Anya, me and our boyfriends were all in town visiting her and “going out for a few minutes” turned into coming home lost in the sauce at 3am. We were awakened by the smoke alarms to find a white girl wasted H-57 in the kitchen burning bacon trying to feed breakfast to a couple of strays she and another honorary HME  member picked up at the bar. She is the girl who has no filter, fears little to nothing, loves fiercely even when she shouldn’t, owns a gun, isn’t afraid to use it, and will plot revenge on anyone who does her wrong. (Side note: All of us have a gun toting, target shooting, country side of us, but H-57 is the only one who I fear would actually shoot someone who pissed her off.) The part of me that will say and do anything with a heart full of adventure and absent of fear, the part of me that isn’t afraid to make mistakes and learn from them… that’s the H-57 in me.

Last, but most certainly not least, is the one we affectionately call Dirty. Don’t let the nickname fool you though. She is typically the one who has her shit together which made her kind of like the Mom of the group in a way. She was the owner of HME headquarters, or Camp Dirty Hot Mess, as we like to call it. Camp was a home away from home for me. A place to just get away from everything I hated about my life and be with people who loved and understood me. I met Dirty through Anya and instantly liked her, but I wasn’t sure she liked me for the first few months. As I got to know her, I figured out that she is just a woman of few words. You have to really understand her to know what she’s thinking. I tried to come up with a good story about her, but to be honest, I couldn’t think of any I can tell that wouldn’t embarrass her terribly. All I can tell you is that my favorite story about her involves the need for all campers to invest in a good pair of earplugs. My most cherished moment of our friendship is when I asked her to be one of my bridesmaids. Maybe it was that in the grand scheme of things we hadn’t been friends all that long, but it was clear she was totally caught off guard. I wanted her to stand by me on that day because I felt that she had my back on my worst days and she deserved to stand beside me on my best. She by far the most reserved of the group and is usually the one shaking her head in dismay at the rest of us. Not in a judgmental way though. It’s more of a “You bitches are crazy and I love it” kind of thing. She has had more than her fair share of heartaches, but carries herself with strength, class and dignity. We’re all good Christian women in our own way, but she is the one who never misses church, volunteers for mentoring programs, and all the other things the rest of us are too busy cleaning up her own messes to have time for. Dirty is someone I have tremendous respect for, and of all my friends, the one I probably have the most in common with now that my life is slow and steady. We have a similar vibe and vision about where life is taking us. Her strength, her maternal nature, and her desire for a traditional family and simple lifestyle are aspects of her I identify with. Now that I’ve gotten my life together I see more of her in myself than ever.  

I’ve always looked at my sisters from different misters and thought “Damn, I must be pretty bad ass if I am cool enough to run with this crowd. How I deserve to have friends this amazing?” The truth of the matter is that I probably don’t. These girls have been there for me in ways that I could never repay them. There have been many times I’ve either dropped the ball or just flat out didn’t do what a good friend would do. They’ve had to put up with me through all of my poor choices, my shitty boyfriends, my selfishness at times, my insecurities, my crazy bipolar mood swings, my mooching when I didn’t have a pot to piss in. They didn’t even bat an eyelash when they probably wanted to strangle me. I feel bad sometimes that I don’t have that ability to just be supportive and keep my mouth shut the way they did for me because it must make me seem like a total asshole. I can see why it might look to them like as soon as the rain stopped and the puddles dried up I acted like I didn’t need to stand under their umbrella anymore. It’s true that being someone’s Mrs. has changed me. I think the moment that I knew I had really changed was at my Bachelorette party. Here I was with my most favorite people on Earth, they planned this great time for me and I couldn’t cut loose and be the old me even for just one night. Club hopping would have been the ultimate turn up a few years prior, but I really just wanted to go stay in somewhere and have a nice chill night laughing with my girls. I felt so bad because they had planned this great night for me and I was a total dud. I felt like the world’s biggest asshole.

 It was not my intention to be so absent from their lives. My life is so different now. I work all day, come home and make dinner, make sure the kids are on track with school and whatever else they need, and by that time it’s time to go to bed and do it all again the next day. On Friday nights, I am just beat and asleep by 8pm more often than not. There’s shopping, cleaning and family events on the weekends, and when the night sets in I’m in the house thanks to my pseudo-agoraphobia. There have been many Friday nights I have laid on the couch and thought, “I need to call. I need to visit. I need to do something!” Why don’t I do it? I wish I knew. My husband encourages me to. He goes out with his boys from time to time and I stay in. So, there’s no excuse really. There’s no excuse for not texting or calling. There’s no excuse for not seeing people that I adore that live in the same town as me for nearly a year.  Sometimes, I wish they would show up, drag me off that couch and say, “Get your shit together! The Hot Mess Express is leaving the station and you WILL be on board.”  

Day after day I’m missing them, hoping they don’t hate me, knowing that they deserve better. It’s not that I don’t want to be there for them. It’s not that their friendship isn’t important to me anymore. It seems I’m stuck in my comfort zone, and it isn’t a bad place to be other than the fact that I can’t expect them to stay in it with me. I feel like they know that they could call me for anything they ever needed, but maybe they don’t.  I try to put myself in their shoes and ask myself how I would feel about me if I were them. I think I’d feel abandoned. I’d probably be thinking, “She gets herself a husband and a decent life and forgets who carried her to the place she is today.” I am anything but ungrateful  will never forget how important they are to me. If you ask me who I run with, now and forever I ride with the Hot Mess Express. ♥♥♥

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