Giggles 11:02 AMAndrea ♥

Man Periods are the Devil's Work

Once a month for about 3 or 4 days straight my husband becomes possessed. Yesterday he was as sweet as could be. Out of nowhere he looked at me and said, "I know I can be a pain and I gripe at you a lot, but I am so proud of the way you keep the house looking good all the time. You take such good care of me and the kids, and I don't tell you enough how much I appreciate it." Today is clearly a new day. I was picked up from work by Jack Nicholson in The Shining. The 30 minute ride home was filled with a tirade about his coworkers, wanting a raise, traffic, bad drivers, and being pissed that the kids won't eat leftovers.

Man periods. The struggle is way too real.

Of course, the fun continued when we got home. Remember all those nice compliments yesterday? Apparently, he doesn't. He got mad at me for not opening the door fast enough, starting the dishwasher, turning the kitchen light on, and the junk mail HE left on the counter yesterday. I'd already had enough of his shit for the day. If they sold manpons at Walgreen's I'd have been on my way to get some immediately, but I had to settle for hiding out in the bedroom for the evening. This man has been in here every 20 minutes bitching about everything under the sun. Yesterday, we were blessed and living a wonderful, happy life. Today he hates everything and our lives are a special kind of hell. We joke a lot that we'd rather be miserable with each other than happy with someone else, but I didn't think it was the goal of our marriage to achieve it. Either he needs an exorcist or I need a drink.

Everyone knows I am crazy about my man, but it's no secret he's the biggest whiner on Earth even when he's not experiencing man-strual psychosis. He says that every relationship he had before me they fought like cats and dogs. I guess he needed a woman like me because I’m not about to engage in an argument about why the kitchen light is on. Turn the shit off and move on!!!  I probably tell him at least once a day, “There is no way in hell I’m going to argue about this.” Shuts him right up. A lot of my friends have said they could never be with my husband because he’d drive them crazy.  You certainly have to be able to resist engaging in a pointless argument  to be married to him. He says that being in an abusive relationship for so long prepared me for being married to him because it makes him seem like an angel. To an extent he might be right, but I really think that sometimes people are just suited to each other. If putting up with him whining like a bitch is all I have to do to have a lifetime full of love and happiness then bring on the complaining because I’m with it!


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